Unity3D on steroids

Adding Unity to your supersonic Haxe toolbox

Created by CauĂȘ Waneck / @cwaneck

Why Unity3D?

  • Most popular tool for 3D games
  • Multiple targets: web-based using a plugin
  • Awesome editor
  • Flash "refugees"
  • Don't fight, assimilate
  • Asset store
  • Because

    WE CAN

Why Haxe?

  • Very little change in workflow
  • Unity as a target: Natively target even more platforms
  • Awesome open-source community
  • Future-proof code base
  • Networking: Same code base
  • Elegant and feature-rich language
    • Functional and imperative programming
    • Pattern matching, array comprehensions, ADTs and so much more
  • Did I mention... macros ?

Why Haxe? (tl;dr)


Getting started with Unity/Haxe

How it was

How it was


```bash $ haxe -net-lib libs/UnityEngine.dll -net-lib libs/UnityEditor.dll ```


  • Haxe/C#'s counterpart of -java-lib and -swf-lib
  • No need to create externs
  • Do pratically anything you can do with pure C# code
  • Properties, events, delegates, overloaded functions ...
```haxe @:meta(System.SomeAttribute(1,2,3)) class HaxeClass extends CsClass implements CsInterface { @:overload override function get_SomeProperty():Int { trace("I'm overriding a C# getter!"); return super.get_SomeProperty(); } @:overload public function implementedInterfaceFunction(a:String):Void { some.native.Type.Type_InnerClass.doSomething(a); callDelegate(function() trace(a)); this.add_someEvent(function() trace(a)); } @:unsafe function unsafeCode() { var arr = new cs.NativeArray(10); cs.Lib.fixed({ var p:Pointer = cs.Lib.pointerOfArray(x); for (i in 0...10) { p[0] = i; p = p.add(1); } }); } @:overload function callDelegate(act:cs.system.Action):Void { act.Invoke(); } @:overload function callDelegate(act.cs.system.Func):Void { act.Invoke(); } } ```
### Example ```bash -net-lib ../libs/UnityEngine.dll -net-lib ../libs/UnityEditor.dll #let the Unity IDE do the C# compilation -D no-compilation -cs haxe_bin ExampleScript ``` ```haxe import cs.NativeArray; import unityengine.*; class ExampleScript extends unityengine.MonoBehaviour { public var stringProp:String; public var arrayProp:NativeArray<Int>; public var vectorProp:Vector3; @:protected var protectedVar:Int; function Update() { Debug.Log("It's working!"); } } ```

Generated code

import cs.NativeArray;
import unityengine.*;

@:nativeGen class ExampleScript extends unityengine.MonoBehaviour
	public var stringProp:String;
	public var arrayProp:NativeArray<Int>;
	public var vectorProp:Vector3;
	@:protected var protectedVar:Int;

	function Update()
		Debug.Log("It's working!");

Generated code

#pragma warning disable 109, 114, 219, 429, 168, 162
public class ExampleScript : global::UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour {
	public ExampleScript() : base() {

	public string stringProp;
	public int[] arrayProp;
	public global::UnityEngine.Vector3 vectorProp;
	protected int protectedVar;
	public virtual void Update() {
		global::UnityEngine.Debug.Log(((object) ("It\'s working!") ));

Error positions

### unity_std_target ```bash $ haxe -cp haxe_src -cs generated -D "unity_std_target=Standard Assets" ``` * Compiler directive added very recently * Generates the files relative to their sources
### Equivalence #### Types | C# | Haxe |---------------|----------------------------- | SomeType[] | `NativeArray<SomeType>` | UnityEngine.SomeType | unityengine.SomeType | using UnityEngine | import unityengine.*



							EditorApplication.update += delegate() { Debug.Log("update"); };
							void Update() {}
							SomeComponent comp = GetComponent<SomeComponent>();
							[UnityEngine.InitializeOnLoad] public class Something ...

							EditorApplication.update += function() Debug.Log('update');
							function Update() {}
							var comp:SomeComponent = GetComponent(); //or var comp = (GetComponent() : SomeComponent)
							@:meta(UnityEngine.InitializeOnLoad) class Something ...


WIP: unihx

Goal: Unity powered by Haxe

							$ haxelib run unihx init path/to/dir
Danger: Proof-of-concept. User discretion is advised

unihx features

  • Automatic recompilation (using compilation server)
  • Generate files in the folder relative to where they are
  • Drag & Drop support for Haxe classes
  • Avoid the generated C# code warnings
  • Mix pure C# code with Haxe and cross-reference between them
  • Add Vector / Quaternion operator overloading

unihx features

Haxe API overrides

  • trace() -> Debug.Log
  • haxe.Timer
  • haxe.Http -> UnityEngine.WWW (planned)


  • Supports non-constant expressions on the initializer
  • Automatically sets @:nativeGen

HaxeBehaviour macros

1. Comments show up in inspector

2. Extra properties through comment tags

3. Custom controls

4. Editor-time control events

5. Haxe types support

## C# target roadmap * Fix still open generator/-net-lib bugs * Implement missing C# interoperability functionality: Whatever is possible in C#, it should be possible in Haxe * Direct assembly from Haxe: Skip the intermediate C# representation

Call for collaboration!



BY @cwaneck